AICTE Feedback Facility
Mandatory Disclosure

Admission started for the academic year 2024-2025

The College has a vigilant committee against instances of ragging. The Committee takes measures to repeatedly remind students of the consequences of ragging and ensures that parents and new students are made aware of their rights. Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted in this college to prevent ragging and to take anti-ragging measures as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India and UGC.

Objectives of Anti Ragging Committee

The anti-Ragging Committee will be the Supervisory and Advisory Committee in preserving a Culture of a Ragging Free Environment on the college Campus. The Anti-Ragging
Squad- office bearers will work under the supervision of the Anti Ragging Committee and engage in the works of checking places like Hostels, Buses, Canteens, Classrooms, and other places of student congregation. The anti-Ragging Committee will be involved in designing strategies and action plans for curbing the Menace of Ragging in the college by adopting an array of activities.

Punishment to those found guilty

Any student or group of students found guilty of ragging on the campus or even outside the campus shall be liable to one or more of the following punishments

  • Debarring from appearing in any sessional test / University Examination
  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges
  • Withdrawing scholarships and other benefits
  • Suspension from the college for one month